Getting There

It's been a while since I last put anything up but other than repairs very little has been happening. Over the last few months however we have sorted the following:-

Replaced all fresh water pipes
Repaired the leaking toilet
Ran the heater ducting into the wet locker, v-berth and heads
Replaced the cooker as it was too expensive for the parts to repair it
Tweaked the gas pipe
Made plates to cover the mast gate
Removed a fake holding tank
The job I wasn't looking forward to was the holding tank, I thought it was going to be a filthy job to patch a broken seam but it turned out to be a fake. The inspection hatch was just a thick glass plate on a board made to look dirty, on removing the top of the tank it had never been used and wasn't ever made to be water tight, the inlet and outlet pipes were just blanks and there is a suspicious looking hole behind the bin in the heads to get access to the fake holding tank space.
I have now thoroughly cleaned the fake tank and the extra storage space has been put to good use for spare sails and tools, nice to have a bit of extra room for things.

So, what's next on the list? Make a stack pack, repair the headsail, fix the leaking deck, re-wire the boat, service the engine, back to programming. Possibly back to programming for a bit, could do with the extra money for all the other jobs.

Oh, and we have around two months before nipper arrives.